2013年3月24日 星期日
Oman New's : 興建鐵路將製造七萬個工作機會給阿曼人民
Railway to create over 70,000 jobs for Omanis
by Saleh Al Shaibany
Muscat: The $6-billion railway project being planned by the government — a railway line that will run from the northern border to the south of Oman — is expected to generate more than 70,000 jobs, according to project statistics.
<記者Saleh Al Shaibany於Muscat報導> 阿曼政府目前正在規劃一條能連接境內南北的鐵路線, 預算60億美金,預計能創造出七萬個工作機會給阿曼人民.
It will also create opportunities for setting up thriving businesses and SMEs for young Omanis in urban areas. There will be at least 20 railway stations along the 1,061-kilometre route from Khatmat Malahah in the north to the eastern town of Duqm during the first phase.
第一階段興建計畫, 由馬斯喀特(Muscat)西北方的Khatmat Malahah到馬斯喀特正南方的Duqm, 總長1061公里, 沿途至少設置20個車站, 預計將能促進以阿曼首都為中心之附近區域, 中小企業與商業活動的蓬勃發展.
The second phase of the railway project will stretch all the way to the Yemeni border, with a further 20 stations. The government has already received bids from 14 companies to supervise the massive project. Last year, the tender board invited bids for the construction of the project, which is expected to be awarded early next year.
第二階段計畫, 鐵路線預計以至少設置20個車站的規模, 向南延伸, 同時, 也不排除將鐵路延伸進葉門境內. 阿曼政府於去年度公開招標, 目前已經有14家公司參與競標, 預計於明年初正式執行該建設項目.
According to government sources, the railway is expected to start operating in 2017, but delays due to the complexity of the project could postpone the launch. During construction, the railway project, according to economic plans drawn up by the Railway Project Commission, will create investment opportunities to the tune of $10 billion.
阿曼政府原先計畫鐵路線能於西元2017年開始運行, 但是由於此建設項目的複雜度較高, 工程進度可能會延遲. 根據鐵路建設委員會表示, 鐵路線施工期間, 預計能創造出100億美金的投資機會.
The railway will link the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabian borders with all seven airports, currently being planned, in the Sultanate as well as four major ports, including major projects in Sohar, Duqm, and Salalah. The government plans to establish a network of business-service points to support the project in every town along the route, which will be run by Omani companies funded by the new SME initiative introduced by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. In January, His Majesty created an OMR70 million Al Rafd Fund to replace the Sanad program to help young people with self-employment.
這條鐵路線也計畫連接包括阿拉伯聯合酋長國(UAE)和沙烏地阿拉伯在內的七個機場, 與阿曼境內的四個重要港口(Sohar, Muscat, Duqm, and Salalah).阿曼政府並計畫扶植境內本土中小企業, 建立鐵路線上的商業網路連結系統, 這項政策由尊貴的Sultan Qaboos bin Said陛下提出, 預算七千萬里歐(OMR)的Al Rafd專款將取代Sanad計畫, 協助年輕人創業.
Oman's railway project is part of the GCC's ambitious 6,000-kilometre railway venture, which will cost the six countries some $100 billion and is expected to boost internal trade.
阿曼的鐵路線計畫也是海灣合作委員會(GCC)所規劃, 總長6000公里鐵路投資的一部分. 這段以促進組織國間貿易為目標的鐵路, 預計將花費六個國家約1000億美金的預算.
The six governments face major technical challenges, such as making six national rail systems compatible with each other and building tracks upon the shifting sands of remote deserts.
目前, 六個國家在興建鐵路上的主要挑戰, 在於銜接六段不同鐵路線的科技技術, 與克服流沙地形造成的困難.
However, success could have far-reaching effects on economies in the region, cutting their dependence on expensive road and air travel, boosting trade, and even bringing the GCC closer together, politically.
然而, 整個鐵路計畫的成功, 將會對海灣合作委員會國造成深遠的經濟影響, 破除現在被航空與公路交通劃分的經濟區域體系, 政策上的直接促進海灣合作委員會間的緊密連結.