2013年3月24日 星期日

Oman New's : 資訊技術局將協助推動阿曼中小企業的升級


ITA’s initiative to promote SMEs
byTimes News Service  Wednesday, 13 March 2013, 10 : 56 pm


The objective is to create a business eco-system which will help develop globally competitive ICT businesses in Oman. Photo – Supplied picture

[圖說] 計畫目標是要建立一個更具國際競爭力的ICT商業環境

Muscat: The 'Sas Programme', the Information Technology Authority's latest initiative supported by UKBI and Coventry University, was formerly launched in its premises at the Knowledge Oasis Muscat.

<Muscat報導> 阿曼資訊技術局(ITA)最近推動的Sas計畫, 與英國考文垂大學(Coventry University)和英國企業創新中心(UKBI)合作, 期望推動Muscat成為知識綠洲.

The Sas Programme is an ICT business development initiative and a state-of-the-art business designed to help promote small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and build a robust ICT sector in Oman. The launch ceremony was held under the patronage of Dr. Ali bin Masoud Al Sunaidy, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Chairman of the Information Technology Authority (ITA).

Sas計畫是項推動阿曼ICT(資訊與通訊科技)商業環境的計畫. 政府希望藉由經設計過的商業模式, 幫助推動當地中小企業發展, 以建立更健全的ICT環境. 本項計畫的揭示典禮由商工部部長暨資訊技術局主席阿里‧蘇內迪(Ali bin Masoud Al Sunaidy)主持

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Salim Sultan Al Ruzaiqi, ITA's Chief Executive Officer, said, "The aim is to create a business ecosystem which will help to develop globally competitive ICT businesses in Oman. The physical centre for Sas is now officially open, and we invite all Omanis, wherever they are based around the country and who feel that they have an ICT-based idea which can be developed into a business to contact the Sas Team following this launch today."

ITA執行委員會主席Dr. Salim Sultan Al Ruzaiqi 在典禮上表示, "計畫目標為建立一個更具國際競爭力的ICT商業環境, 現在, 計畫的實體辦公室已經正式開幕,歡迎所有的阿曼人民, 都可以透過聯繫Sas計畫的團隊, 一同參與這項政策"

Agreement for the Sas Programme was signed in the summer of 2011, with the United Kingdom Business Incubation (UKBI). Already, the centre has 12 projects, nine of which are being fully incubated and three projects in the pre-incubation phase. The fields of IT specialization for the incubated projects vary but include geographic information systems and software development, graphic design and multimedia programs, film-making and website design.

Sas計劃於2011年夏天與UKBI簽訂. 目前, 計畫中心共有12個項目,其中9個項目可以具體提供服務,三個項目還在規劃. 各項目應用的IT(資訊科技)領域各不相同,包括有地理資訊系統,軟體開發, 平面設計, 多媒體節目,電影製作,網站設計.

The services offered by the programme include client needs assessment, accountancy, legal, business management, human resources, marketing, governmental support, investment readiness, access to finance, and client networking.

Sas計畫所提供的服務會包括客戶的需求評估, 會計, 法律, 企業管理, 人力資源, 市場營銷, 政府的支持, 投資準備, 融資渠道, 以及客戶端網絡.

The three-year business development programme will be in four phases: pre incubation, early stage, classic incubation and graduation. In the first stage, incubatees are asked to prepare their business plan and develop it to be then evaluated and selected by an assessment panel. If their plan is accepted, the incubatees will advance to the next stages. Here, they are provided with IT infrastructure, client support services, team-building activities, and business development workshops.

為期三年的業務發展計劃將分四個階段:準備期, 第一期, 企業輔導, 企業獨立. 企業加入此Sas計畫前, 將被要求準備完整的商業規劃並執行,再經過評估小組的審核後, 被接受的企業, 將可以進到下一個階段. 此時, 會提供企業IT基礎設施, 客戶支持服務, 團隊建設活動, 及商業研討工作坊等服務.